Private landlords can find themselves in a difficult position, as they do not enjoy the same rights and protections that social landlords gained from the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. Many private landlords believe that their only options for dealing with difficult tenants were putting up with the bad behaviour or initiating possession proceedings.
We work closely with police and Local Authorities to protect you and your property from the anti-social behaviour of your tenants, and to resolve issues without ill-feeling or ending the tenancy agreement.
We specialise in offering meditation and legal enforcement proceedings that ensure that your property and income stream are protected, and that a few bad tenants don’t spoil the enjoyment of everyone else in your buildings!
If at all possible, we urge all of our private landlords to begin every tenant relationship by performing a thorough background check and setting up a robust tenancy agreement that protects your rights and property to the fullest.
We specialise in offering meditation and legal enforcement proceedings that ensure that your property and income stream are protected, and that a few bad tenants don’t spoil the enjoyment of everyone else in your buildings!
At the heart of Bournes Letting Agency is our unmatched tenant finder programme. We don’t just find you the right tenant, we find you the right tenant for the long term.
Paying rent is not a matter of choice. Whilst we have a track record of managing tenancies successfully, we will not tolerate tenants who refuse to pay. And we don’t leave you to carry the can if things go wrong.
Our unique Tenancy Welfare Programme provides legal support and offers advice and assistance to tenants, whilst keep a careful eye on their rights and benefits. This process reduces the demands made on you and your property, and supports tenants in a long-term, manageable tenancy from which all sides benefit.
A major cause of tension between landlords and tenants is the tenancy inspection process. With expert advice and support from Bournes Letting Agency you can avoid disputes, prevent conflicts and still have the necessary oversight of your rental property to deliver peace of mind.
Few issues cause more tenant frustration that trying to obtain repairs or coping with routine maintenance. At Bournes Letting Agency we understand this process from both sides, which is why we have our own in-house repair and maintenance arm to help our landlords meet tenants’ needs in a timely fashion and to maintain the fabric of their investments without stress.
No matter how good the tenant matching, nor how professionally managed the tenancy has been, all good things come to an end eventually. At Bournes we focus on a swift, professional and well-managed end of tenancy so that landlords get great reviews and tenants are able to move onto their next home rapidly and without wrangles over deposits or other issues.
Sadly, evictions become necessary from time to time. Our focus is to do everything possible to ensure that this outcome is an unlikely one, and that begins the day we start work with you. On the rare occasions when an eviction is unavoidable, we draw on our professional competence to issue and manage the correct notice and to ensure deadlines are met to keep the whole process as swift and painless as possible.
If it’s time to relax, knowing your property is in the best hands, it’s time to contact Bournes.